A song from the children of Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation (Kamloops) where the 215 bodies at the Indian Residential School were discovered last week.
It was recorded in 2017, the same year the report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was released - a song of remembrance, and hope.
"We were sitting in the dark - now we’re letting in the light”
An immediate qualification: I eat meat. I will admit that I am not crazy about meat, but I do enjoy it, in all its forms, including raw herring (the one meat choice my wife disapproves of). There is, however, something tragic about eating meat, about eating another living being, something that is alive in a way that is close to being human and alive in a different way than a plant. It makes sense that we can be uncomfortable about eating meat.
"But whatever our Lenten discipline this year ... the point and purpose remains: for all of us to allow brightness and liveliness to mark us and playfully to prepare us not just for Christ’s death and our own, but for the resurrection also."
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